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Image by Darius Bashar


the wisest one word sentence? breathe. - terri guillemets

We breathe approximately 22,000 times a day, but how many of these breaths are done consciously?

How much of the space in our lungs do we fill when we inhale?


Breathwork is about breathing with intention & utilising all the space in our lungs. By doing so & harvesting something as simple as the air around us, we can use it to transform our mental states, improve function of our vital systems & handle our response to stressors 


Pranayama (along with asana) is another limb of yoga.

prana - lifeforceayama - to extend/control.

pranayama literally meaning - to extend/control lifeforce

Breathing happens by itself, its a natural process for our survival, so by taking control you can be the observer, & the do-er. The breath is connected to your mind & nervous system; these are not something you can consciously control or command, but you can control your breath


There are many techniques to manipulate & work with our breath, that induce different effects & benefits. Some sequences can be energising & stimulating, others for focus, some for calming, grounding or tranquilising. Breathing is accessible to everyone, you should never have to pay someone to breath! There are many youtube videos to follow or apps with free features like Breathwrk or Headspace





breathwork: About


Below are 3 techniques where you can use the power of your breath to access & control a situation depending on what you need:

breathwork: Classes


skull polishing // kapalabhati

Sitting comfortably with your hands on your knees;

1. Take a deep breath in through your nose

2. As you exhale, pull your stomach/navel in towards the spine in a "pumping motion" to force the air out in short bursts

3. Quick exhales & passive inhales should be done with speed but to a comfortable level

4. At the end of each round, close your eyes & observe the sensations you have created throughout your body. After 30 seconds, repeat with another round

5. One round = one minute, repeat for 3-5 rounds

6. This will leave you energised & awake. (If you are new to this breathing technique, it may make you feel a little anxious, as we are mimicking our bodies breathing response to stress - but with regular practice, it will subside & your body will be able to handle stressors more effectively


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